About Us

Maheshwari Fuel Chem Pvt Ltd was founded by the joint efforts of Late Shri. Rameshchandraji Rathi, Ashok K. Maheshwari and Rajesh K. Maheshwari with the aim of making it as one of biggest coal companies in India. Headquartered at Khopoli, Maharashtra; the company is a diversified multi-location conglomerate with special interests related to Coal, Power, Warehouse, etc. The constantly driving passion, an urge to excel, the in-built ability to strive and power to challenge world-wide competitors saw the transformation of a micro-enterprise into a national entity and pave its way to global success as the leading coal suppliers.
It was not a facile route to success for us to craft our unique identity and emerge as one of the unparalleled
coal industries in India. The best working team of professionals and years of competence in the allied field of interest is what made us to flourish our coal business all over the nation and made us leading
coal traders in the country. An effective and reliable procurement procedure has greatly aided in identifying and reviewing suppliers and enhancing our performance status, reduce overall cycle time and elevate customer contentment rate.
Our ethical approach and use of latest technical procedures has enabled us to garner huge client base in the national market and create a prominent place among our each and every customer of India.
Our Vision
To provide the best customer service at cost-effective rates and emerge as a tough competitor to Indian coal Companies and become leading global player in the coal sector by inculcating ethical measures, best mine-to-market practices, social reliability and contentment along with environmental care and maintenance.
Our Mission
To produce high-end coal in an efficient, economical manner and with the highest safety standards, purity and conservation. Objectives that pave way to our core values are integrity, innovation, motivation, good work environment, use of resources in effective and efficient way and render reliable services to our clients.
Our reliable and long-standing Client list is as follows:
1. Power Plants
2. Steel Plants
3. Ceramics Industries
4. Textile Industries
5. Sugar Industries
6. Milk and Food Processing
7. Paper Industries
8. Fertilizer Industries
9. Chemical Industries
10. Edible Oil Industries
11. Thermocol Industries
12. Distillers
The screening and storage facilities located at Ajiwali and khopoli have state-of-art laboratory facilities to check the products and ensure safety, quality and reliability of the products. Our warehouse has massive storage amenities with fully covered sheds and latest screening equipments & its proximity to the three trading ports provides us a greater advantage in terms of feasibility, activity and transportation.
Become a part of Maheshwari Fuel Chem Pvt Ltd
Because every time we don't just supply basic natural resources but deliver a sense of satisfaction at your footsteps.